Writing Coach
Health And Wellness Coach
Dr. Laurie Jean
snug Harbor
2021 Wellness and Writing Retreats

"Broken Pieces, Made Whole”
“You do not know this new me. I put back my pieces differently.” If you’ve lived a good life, you have amassed broken pieces along the way. Some, you’ve worked to discard. Others, you have yet to attach a purpose. This day retreat will assist you as you identify your broken pieces, while examining the ways in which they might lead you to your artistic passions.
You will leave this day retreat with a clear focus on how you broken pieces can be made whole, in life and on the page.
November 6, 2021
$350 Per Person
**Two slots left.
“Mercy, Mercy Me: Writing as a Tool of Compassion, Forgiveness, and Healing.”
“Oh, mercy, mercy me. Oh, things ain’t what they used to be no, no.”
It would have been a relief for us all if Marvin Gaye’s words, his song had marked the last time our country would feel the depression, the despondency, the angst that fueled his stunning, heart-wrenching lament. Today, we find ourselves in a time and space in which we feel disconnected, so distant from our former selves and those with whom we used to bond so easily, we barely know whether there can be new starts when there seem to be so many ends.
In this workshop, we will mine those endings, translate them to words, and shape them into tools of compassion, forgiveness, and healing. This workshop will be rigorous and rewarding as we share our stories, critique each other’s work, and celebrate the mercy many of us have given and the mercy many of us have received.
Coming December 2021!
We Craft Our Own Peace
In addition to writing and wellness retreats, I offer the following writing services:
Manuscript Coaching
Query Letters
Book Proposals
Short Story/Essay Editing

“Write Your Book This Year”
Tired of telling friends and family your stories only to hear, "You should write a book?" Ready to dust off that notebook of poems that keeps whispering year after year, "Publish me."
Yearning to capture those many fantasies, fancies, and narratives running through your mind, spilling into your everyday life? Then, this series is for you.
Like you, I spent year after year hearing, "You should write a book" and "Your story is so interesting," without every taking the plunge. Let this be the year you finish and publish your book.
No time for resolutions and promises. This is the time for writing and results. We'll couple writing exercises with work shopping. We'll also learn how to find an agent/publisher and how to self-publish.
There will be lots of onsite writing and yes, there will be
homework. Bring something you've been working on or come with an open mind with new ideas and the will to write. Don't let the year end with that masterpiece on your mind.
Coming January 2022.